
Note: To find your Location ID, Technology Code, CAI (Community Anchor Institution) ID, CAI Type, or the name of a CAI location:
  1. Visit the State of Illinois' BEAD Challenge Map (opens in a new tab).
  2. Search for an address.
  3. Click the Serviceability icon that represents the address on the map. (A blue pin will point out which location this is.)
  4. A popup will appear containing the Location ID. If the location is a CAI, its name will appear at the top below the "Community Anchor Institution" heading. Its ID and Type will also be present below this.
  5. Click the Providers button. A popup will appear listing the Providers available at that location and the Technology that each uses.
  6. Come back here, and use the information from the map to fill out your submission!
To find CAI IDs for Community Anchor Institutions (i.e., libraries, schools, hospitals):
Follow the instructions above or refer to the State’s list of CAIs.

Note: Community Anchor Institutions (CAIs) include schools, libraries, institutions of higher education, health clinics, health centers, hospitals or other medical providers, public safety entities, public housing organizations, and community support organizations.

Note: Submissions require supporting documentation. Please see the State of IL's reference material for evidence for guidance.

Questions and Assistance

The State of Illinois and Lake County are available to answer questions and provide assistance throughout the BEAD challenge process. For more information, contact: